I was walking around the mall with my family and we walk past a Kiosk with the merchant play with the mini Helicopter. Naturally, my kids are curious and want to touch everything. As we were standing around and the merchant was showing them the toys, we started to ask about the price and he […]
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A long time ago, I want to be a professional basket ball player. When that did not work out, I try being a Professional Tennis player. And that did not work out either. In the process, I had it that “practice makes perfect”. That did not seem to be true over time. What I have […]
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Nice is my default way of being with people and i have had a good first look at when it does not provide service to people. I had the opportunity to lead a presentation and found myself lost in distractions. The presentation was with 14 people, I was the one in front and was leading […]
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